Saturday, July 31, 2010

Im Feeling Lucky

Im Feeling Lucky

Yes, Im Feeling Lucky!!!! And are you friendzzz ????
This is my first art from Tech Geek. And Obviously i choose Web giant Google(again!!!).
Do you visit Google ever ? Yes, this is a non sense question. Might be you come to this article via Google. Google shares 66% of total search volume all over the world.
So, I am telling tweaks about one of the oldest  Google thing

Im Feeling Lucky

Im feeling lucky is available on Google Search home page from 1998 i.e. Introduction of Google to world. And “Im feeling lucky” is again most permanent thing on that page(except Search Button and Search Box,Obviously).
im feeling lucky

What does “Im Feeling Lucky” Do?

Basically, “Im feeling lucky” has a very straight forward function :
“Im feeling lucky” redirects to 1st search of your search query bypassing search page i.e. If you type “Facebook” in search box and hit “Im Feeling Lucky” button then instead of google search result page,  you will see “facebook login page”.

Why was it named “Im Feeling Lucky” ?

“Im feeling lucky” suggest that if you are lucky one then you will get your required  page. But, it is not happened all time. If you searching for a well known organization or website, You will get expected result each time but not in all cases.
e.g. If you want website of  “Bharat Petroleum”, so you type “BP” an hit “Im Feeling Lucky” then you will be on “British Petroleum Homepage”. (and in this case… must not feel like “Im feeling lucky”!!!).
Some Facts About “Im feeling Lucky” :
1) 1% searches of total Google searches are redirected bypassing Google Search Page by “Im Feeling Lucky” Button. It costs Google 110 million per year.
2) Google introduced many “Im feeling lucky” merchandise like : Boxers, tee shirts etc.
im feeling lucky boxers and tee shirts

Fun with “Im Feeling Lucky Tricks” :

French Military Victories and Im feeling Lucky :

If you type “French Military Victories” and hit “im feeling lucky” then Google shows “No Result” and ask “Do you Mean French Military Defeats ?
Which means French never won in battles ever.
Click here for More “Im feeling Lucky Tricks”
Here are some more I'm Feeling Lucky Tricks.
If you know any other “Im Feeling lucky tricks” then feel free to mention it in comments section…..

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