Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Data Recovery Software Works ?

Sometimes, you pressed 'delete' key on key board accidentally which result in the losing of your critical document. It makes you panic because no other copy you saved . But, it is possible to recover fully or at least to some extend our lost files. There are many data recovery software are present in the market. Here, I am explaining working of data recovery tools.

1) Basic Information about File System and hard drive Data storage :
When we delete a file or folder, it is not completely removed for our hard drive or storage device. Every Operating System has file system which keeps track of all the data stored on it.
All the File System keeps a tree type structure to store record of all the files and folder in hierarchical manner. In this structure, Every file and folder is indexed and it has pointer associated with it which track location of the file on file system.
On hard drives, sectors are present to store the data. File system maps these physical addresses of file on hard drive to logical addresses on OS. File System with Mapping Pointers of files and folders are stored in the beginning section of the hard drive (boot sector). Whenever you stored data on hard drive at certain locations, those locations are unavailable from further data storage until file is deleted.
2) What does actual happen after deleting a file or folder ?
When we delete a file or folder, pointer associated with respective file (folder can be treated as file ) will be erased. One thing you have to remember that actual file is not erased from hard drive location and it is still present there. It means that you are just removing these files from index keeping original data as it is. So, by deleting files are becomes invisible to OS and alternately to user but it is still present there. Eventually, new data can be added to that locations as i told.
3) How to perform data recovery ?
Data recovery is the science of putting the file system back together so that the data files can be accessed. Every file system associated with OS has it's own indexing structure to store files track. Most of the file system structure is complex which makes data recovery harder.
Following steps are performed in data recovery :
a) Repair the file system :
In these works, recovery experts deals with internal structure of file system like low levels of file system. Then they find out cause of file system error and fix these error.
b) Repair Internal Structure of Files :
Ones file system is repaired, internal structure of file is repaired. Sometimes, external third party tools are used to recover file structure. In this step, Complete file listings that shows all files and folders stored on the computer.
Download free data recovery Softwares

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